On this DVD you will learn an imporved method and performace of one of the coolest magic tricks since the invention of the aluminum can.
Imagine showing a spectator an opened empty soda can, you add a little „Crushed & Cured“ magic, and make it completely restore and reseal! And to prove it, you pop the cap open and pour yourself a drink! The „Crushed & Cured“ master, Arron P, a.k.a. „The Golden Child“ will show you the performance and secrets, step by step, move by move.
There are some people who have worked in cans factories for many years that could show you the endless possibilies for tricks with an aluminum can. With „Crushed & Cured“, Arron P takes it to a whole new level with his improved method and handling! It is also important to credit and recognize Anders Moden of Sweden for his contributions in this category of magic…
Crushed and Cured Cola Can DVD (DVD222)
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