Are you a kids or family
entertainer looking for more stage props and illusions beyond the
dependable classics such as the square circle, dove pan, tip over trunk,
drawer box and Zig Zag Girl? Are you looking for a Harry Potter-themed
From one of Asia’s top professional illusionists,
author of three critically acclaimed illusion design books and creator
of the best-selling „Behind the Illusions“ DVD, comes a brand new book
on contemporary illusions for kids and family magicians.
J C Sum
has created eight practical illusions & illusionettes designed for
working performers looking to add scale to their kids/ family show or
provide a larger scale effect for a special show.
From making a
birthday cake appear to changing giant cereal boxes into an aquarium
full of live fish, the illusions routines, presentations and designs are
contemporary and relevant for today’s audience.
All the
illusions are detailed with fully illustrated building plans and
dimensions. Designed for the working performer, the illusions are
practical and pack small/ flat for easy transport.
The contents include:
A D.I.Y Illusion Box to Produce a Balloon Animal, Stuffed Toy or Doll
A Unique Design & Routine for a Production Box
Magically Produce a Birthday Cake Surrounded
A Girl Production Illusion that Costs Less than $100 to Build
A Magical Scientific Contraption for Endless Possibilities
Magically Produce a Kid From a Wizard’s Trunk
A Multiple Colour Changing Cereal Box to Fish Aquarium Illusion
A Complete Vanish Climax for the Head Twister
Pages: 53 – 8.5″ x 11″ -Softcover – Perfect bound – Colro and Black and white illustrations
Are these illusions expensive and difficult to build?
these are professional-grade illusions, there are not complex or
difficult to build. Some are very simple that you could put together in
minutes. Others will require a basic workshop with the ability to cut/
join wood as well as metal angles or flat bars.
In the field of
illusions, the illusions would be considered very affordable to build
and relatively easy for an experienced builder.
Can the Illusions be Performed Surrounded?
Yes, all illusions can be performed surrounded but some illusions cannot be viewed from the top.
How different are these illusions from illusions detailed in J C’s other books?
illusions are designed specifically with the kids/ family audience in
mind. So the plots, routines and presentations are geared for that
audience and market. The illusions are also designed with the
professional, semi-pro or part-time worker so they are relatively
inexpensive and can be transported easily.
Do I need to have illusion knowledge to understand this book?
do not need any illusion knowledge. While these are professional level
illusions, the book is also written as an introductory to professional
illusions, methods and techniques with detailed references listed.
What people are saying:
most situations, from a living room to a small stage venue, you’ll find
them to be effective, baffling and workable. Solid ideas from one who’s
actually been in the trenches and KNOWS what works.
it has been some time since I’ve read a collection of illusions that
weren’t just old ideas with a new paint job. J C’s fresh ideas will come
at you from the side. Where standard effects are used, he offers
surprising innovations and unexpected combinations that raise them to a
whole new level.“
– Dan Wolfe
„I really like the
content of this book. I think there is a lot of creativity in the ideas
and variety in the methodologies that J.C. presents. I can honestly say
that if I was still in the Birthday Day market I would without
hesitation add ‚The Gift Box‘ and ‚The Birthday Cake Table‘ to my show.
you are a family show or Birthday Day show performer I think you will
get some very good ideas from this book. As with all of J.C.’s releases I
can highly recommend this as material that is suitable for working
– Cody Fisher
„If you are actively
doing kids/ birthday parties shows, it’s about time to upgrade your show
with illusions. Your clients will definitely be impressed if you can
include illusions in your shows. Rating 4.5/5“
– Bernard Sim
highly recommend this book for many reasons but first off because the
idea that you can now offer much more to your family shows. The status
of just one of these illusions in your show can give you the chance to
also ask for a bit more money to your program and who doesn’t like that
Each of these Illusions are not to hard to build and
could be made in a short amount of time. The price for this book is
$45.00 that comes down to about $5.62 per illusion and that’s a great
deal in itself. Each of the Illusions are also not expensive either to
build. You will be inspired from the many great ideas in this book again
to take your simple family show to the next professional level.“
– Tony Blanco
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