The Giant and the Dwarf was created by the well-known British magic inventor and dealer, Jack Hughes, based upon a Len Belcher idea with a routine by Sydney Sterk. It was then licensed to Supreme Magic Company.
This set was sold by the famous Dutch Magic Shop „Mephisto Huis“ in Amsterdam and is in very good condition, see pictures. The figures are brightly painted and well made out of wood.
The apparatus supplied consists of The Castle and painted cut-out figures of the Dwarf, elongated legs to which Dwarf can be fitted, a large Giant and a diminished Giant, plus two bases which will support the figures in an upright position.
A dwarf is seen proudly sitting on top of his castle when a fierce looking 40 cm high giant makes his appearance. The giant not only says that he is about to take possession of the castle, but he is also going to eat the dwarf for dinner! Upon hearing this, the dwarf suddenly grows to a height of 56 cm and comes out to meet the giant, who, trembling with fear, dodges the giant dwarf and runs into the castle to hide. However, the magic castle causes the giant to SHRINK! As the climax, the giant becomes even smaller than the dwarf was in the first place.
The castle is shown empty before each transformation. The perfect children show entertainer’s trick! A showy and colorful effect designed in the fairy tale tradition. A superb trick with a great plot that can be appreciated by children of all ages and is incredibly easy to perform. Comes with original instructions.
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