The magician flips through the pages of a beautiful and colourful Mickey Mouse picture book which shows lots of sweets printed across all the pages inside. The magician draws attention to the sweets saying how they love to eat sweet but must always brush their teeth after.
Magician closes the book and tells the children that books can give children magical powers. Books can make their wishes come true but only if they concentrate. As the children concentrate on the book the magician makes a magical gesture and lots of real sweets start to fall off the pages out of the book and flow all over the table top surface.
When all of the sweets have fallen out of the book the magician now flips through the book once more, and to their surprise all the pictures of the sweets have vanished !!!
Amazing visual magic with lots of colour. This magical marvel has everything a performer could wish for from a children’s magic effect !
Please note this effect is approved and authorized by DISNEY & TENYO.c Comes with the book and online video-instructions.
The original concept for the gimmick used in this magic book effect comes from Mr J.C. Doty. This is a great effect for children. All you require is your own sweets !
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